The purpose of is to reveal the power of the word of the triune God of Israel through the careful understanding of the narrative of the Biblical Story. Our desire is that you would be enhanced in your ability to understand the scriptures for yourself.

We believe that the best, most fulfilling interpretation of the Bible is the one that is absolutely contextually correct. We believe that the faithful study of the authorial intent of the scriptures will pierce the hearts of those who hear in a manner that exceeds simplistic human understanding.

Conversely, we have discovered in our lives that the interpretation of Scripture that is driven by personal results-oriented theology  is ultimately destructive to those that hear, however pleasant it might taste at the moment of ingestion. Still worse, it promotes a hermeneutic that gets “the desired result” (if it is a hermeneutic at all), instead of a normal reading that allows God to speak to the reader from the Living Word.

The one who would know God in truth must seek to know God’s character as it moves through the unfolding story, interacting graciously with the rebellion of mankind.  It is in that movement that we learn of this God and His sacrificial mercy toward us as He patiently moves toward placing His Son, Jesus, on the throne of the universe.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit of God, careful exposition of the scriptures results in deep worship and love for our creator who offered himself up for us in love, while simultaneously mortally wounding our enemy of old. One day, the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our LORD and of his Christ.

The multimedia materials on this site are used at the graduate studies level to bring a greater level of clarity to the structures that undergird the Biblical text. We have found that once these structures are set firmly in place, students are launched into increasingly higher planes of worship through personal discovery.

It is our hope that you will never read the Bible the same as you begin to conceive the magnitude and the cohesion of the narrative into which all of us have been placed for such a time as this.

God Bless you, and may our work be pleasing in His sight,
The Biblical Story Team